What Big Ears You Have!
August 21, 2012 Dr. Jenny Dougherty

I have been sharing nursery rhymes and stories with my young daughters. A recent favorite is Little Red Riding Hood. It got me to thinking about what big parenting eyes and ears I have and how I can best use them.

As parents we all have these eyes and ears. We use them to observe and assess and protect our children. I speak with parents frequently who have had nagging concerns about their child, but uncertainty about how or when to act.

Whether you believe your child is struggling or know with certainty that you are struggling parenting them, start by telling someone. Most parents begin with a pediatrician or a teacher. That is just the beginning. Tell someone and keep telling until you feel heard. If you believe you or your child needs assistance, get a second opinion, meet with the school counselor or diagnostician, talk to another parents. There are so many available resources it is sometimes difficult to know just how to plug into them seek assistance from those around you.

Use your eyes and ears. Trust your instincts. You are the expert when it comes to your child.

We’re here to help you find answers.